Brand Touch Points for Interior Designers

Next up in our brand touch point series: interior design! Here at WLC we have quite a few interior designer clients, so how could we not address this industry??

Remember, each touch point can, and should, accomplish three things:

  1. Clearly and consistently communicate your brand identity

  2. Set you apart from the competition

  3. Motivate your customers to take action (for example: buy, refer, upgrade, etc.)

For more background on the concept of brand touch points, revisit our previous post on the restaurant industry. 

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Non-designers, take heart...a creative spin on these ideas will make ‘em work for you too!


Is there such a thing as over-communicating? We think not! Especially when it comes to interior design. Let people know what they can expect from you, as well as how and when to expect it. Here’s a few recommendations:

  1. Set expectations up front. Let your new clients know your communication style and your office hours so they know how and when they can expect to reach you. 

  2. No matter where they are in the customer journey, everyone will appreciate an understanding of what next steps are. Send confirmation emails for booked consults, advise on next steps at the end of appointments, etc. — this is KEY for a seamless experience.


Your clients are hiring you for your expertise. Use every interaction with them to demonstrate your value and validate their decision to work with you! 

  1. During your walk-through, give away some ideas and advice. Even if they haven’t signed on the dotted line yet, this glimpse into your expertise could help seal the deal. 

  2. Ask them plenty of questions to gain a clearer picture of what will suit their needs and lifestyle best. Listen to their wants, but make recommendations they may not have considered. You know a lot more about how certain materials perform and what layouts work best. Share your knowledge to win trust.


Leave behind print collateral at the end of the first consult/walk-through. Ensure it’s easy to read and the design supports your brand personality and aesthetic. This is a great way to share some of those communication expectations we mentioned earlier! And make sure they know how to reach you to ask questions and make the purchase. 

The Afterglow

Follow up is everything. We remember the peak moments and the end of an experience, no matter how long (or short!) the interaction was. Aim to leave your customers with a warm afterglow.

Here are a few ideas that will be sure to make their experience with you memorable:

  1. A housewarming gift as simple as a plant, small vase, or pretty dish towel.

  2. It’s amazing how far a handwritten note can go. Say thank you!

  3. In each conversation, end things on a high note. Money can be uncomfortable, so address it earlier in the conversation so you can end on something positive.

Happy customers that shout your name from the rooftops are the key to any thriving business. By paying close attention to these brand touch points, you’re giving customers a reason to do just that!

Do you need some brand clarification to ensure you can knock these touch points out of the park? That’s what our Plan Your Brand program is for! 

Briana Lang